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This just in: Design for People!

Rachel Bozek

Over the past 10 months or so, I worked on several aspects of Design for People, which you can learn more about here. The book is out and I am so proud to have been a part of its creation. My official title is copy chief, which really makes me feel like I need a badge. Unofficially, though, I managed the transcribing and quote/fact checking of about 200 interviews, and read, re-read, and re-re-read the book, with my copy editing hat on. I also had the pleasure of noting my favorite lines from the book, which we ultimately named zingers. I'll post a few of those soon, but for now, buy the book! You won't be sorry! And if you're in the NYC area, come see me talk about it, along with the amazing team who did all the interviews and put the whole thing together on Wednesday, February 24, at The New School.